6th ESO-ESMO Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology

Noticia 05 de Enero de 2021

Due to the ongoing global pandemic Covid-19, ESO and ESMO have taken the decision to convert the 6th ESO-ESMO Latin-American Masterclass in Clinical Oncology that was scheduled in 21-25 April 2021, into virtual ON-LINE MASTERCLASSES. We have done our best to design and build a new programme keeping the interactive, international, and collaborative Masterclass spirit which will include prerecorded lectures, live sessions, clinical case presentations and direct contact with the Faculty members.

The online edition will be divided into two parts:

PART 1 Pre-recorded lectures will be organized into Modules based on tumour type and made available to selected participants from 24 March 2021. On completion of each module, participants will be given the opportunity to send questions related to the lectures, that will then be answered Live by the Faculty during part 2. All modules from part 1 must be completed before part 2.

PART 2 Online live event (24-25 April 2021) with lectures on latest updates or specifically related to the region, live discussions (Q&A) and participants’ case presentations in tumour boards.

SCOM es una organización académica y científica sin fines de lucro, que NO REALIZA ATENCIÓN A PACIENTES NI VENTA DE MEDICAMENTOS. SCOM NO EMITE OPINIONES ANTE DEMANDAS Y PROCESOS LEGALES DE PACIENTES. Por motivos de trasparencia SCOM NO PUEDE RECOMENDAR ESPECIALISTAS. SI BUSCA UN/A ONCÓLOGO MÉDICO consulte en MÉDICOS ASOCIADOS, cada nombre lleva a los datos de atención del profesional. Use el BUSCADOR para seleccionar atención de adultos o pediátrica, y buscar por nombre, apellido, centro de atención, comuna, ciudad o región.